First-Year Engineering Program
340 White Engineering Hall
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR 72701
What is the First-Year Engineering Program?
The First-Year Engineering Program is designed to help first year students build a solid foundation for their engineering education. All new students take a common set of classes, which includes an introduction to engineering class. This class will help students get to know all the different engineering fields, and choose a major that is right for them.
FEP is more than just a set of classes. It also provides orientation, peer mentoring, tutoring and supplemental instruction, academic advising, basic career advising, and academic skills development. Additionally, the First-year Engineering Center has computer labs as well as areas for tutoring, study groups and mentoring.
Finally, FEP provides lots of social opportunities for students. Take advantage of the First-year Engineering Center, it is a great place to hang out and catch up with other students. In addition, FEP sponsors lots of fun extracurricular activities, so you can unwind and get to know your classmates.